Brains or beauty? It’s no contest.
Bianca Pal is an experienced creative director (with a copy specialism) who pairs smart words with great visuals to create jaw-dropping brands backed by strategic rigour and insightful thinking. She specialises in beauty branding, and also works as a makeup artist.

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“As a creative director, I make brands more beautiful - inside and out”

Beauty without brains is pretty - pretty pointless. That’s why I ensure there’s purpose and rigour behind every piece of stellar creative I deliver.

“As a hair and makeup artist, I make women look and feel amazing”

As a freelance hair and makeup artist, my knowledge of the beauty industry is second-to-none. I’m a people and product lover who is passionate about the beauty world from every angle.


Amplify & beautify


If you wanted to put a label on me, it would read:

“Creative director, Copywriter and Makeup Artist, specialising in beauty and fashion brands.”

But my ideas and kit wouldn’t fit through the letterbox. I’m ready to bring strong strategy, great ideas, killer art direction and beautifully crafted words to your brand. I'm freelancing now, but am also open to permanent roles, so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have a project you wish to amplify and beautify.